Dr. Jamal Grayez

Consultant (Years of Experience: 28)

Pulmonologist (Lungs) / Internal Medicine
Sidra Medicine

(6 reviews)

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Pulmonologist (Lungs)

Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of lung and respiratory system diseases.

Internal Medicine

Deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and compassionate care of adults across the spectrum from health to complex acute and chronic illnesses.

Languages Spoken

Known For

Consultant Respiratory Physician in Oxford University Hospitals, UK.

Researcher in Oxford Pleural Disease Trials Unit, UK.

Lead clinician for Sidra Asthma research Trial.

Medical Qualifications

Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery, University of Tripoli, Libya.


Certificate of Completion of training in Pulmonology and General Internal Medicine, UK.


Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of London, UK.


Member of the British Thoracic Society.

Member of the European Thoracic Society.

Member of the British Sleep Society.

Member of the Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom.


Dr. Jamal Grayez Insurance Providers

Al Khaleej Takaful
Al Khaleej Takaful logo

No plans to show

AlKoot logo
Arabia Insurance Company - AICC
Arabia Insurance Company - AICC logo

No plans to show

Cultural Insurance Services International - CISI
Cultural Insurance Services International - CISI logo

No plans to show

Doha Insurance Group - DIG
Doha Insurance Group - DIG logo

No plans to show

Doha Takaful
Doha Takaful logo

No plans to show

General Takaful
General Takaful logo

No plans to show

GlobeMed Qatar
GlobeMed Qatar logo

No plans to show

Libano-Suisse logo

No plans to show

Qatar General Insurance & Reinsurance - QGI
Qatar General Insurance & Reinsurance - QGI logo

No plans to show

Qatar Islamic Insurance - QIIC
Qatar Islamic Insurance - QIIC logo

No plans to show

QLM logo
SEIB logo
Sharq logo

No plans to show

Tricare logo

No plans to show

VYV International Assistance
VYV International Assistance logo

No plans to show


How can I make an appointment with Dr. Jamal Grayez?

HeliumDoc allows you to book appointments online without the hassle of calling the clinic. Click here to book an appointment online with Dr. Jamal Grayez.You will get a call back from the clinic to confirm your appointment.

Does Dr. Jamal Grayez accept my insurance?

Click here to see a list of insurance plans he accepts.

What timings for Dr. Jamal Grayez are available?

Click here to request an appointment with the doctor and the clinic will call to share the doctor’s schedule.

What languages does Dr. Jamal Grayez speak?

Dr. Jamal Grayez speaks the following Arabic and English

Where is Dr. Jamal Grayez clinic located in ?

works at:Sidra Medicine located in Gharrafat Al Rayyan Al Gharrafa Street. Click here for the google map location.

What is the education and qualifications of Dr. Jamal Grayez ?

Dr. Jamal Grayez has the following degrees and diplomas:Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery, University of Tripoli, Libya.Certificate of Completion of training in Pulmonology and General Internal Medicine, UK.

What has the experience of patients been with Dr. Jamal Grayez ?

6 reviews have been added against Dr. Jamal Grayez profile and his average rating is 5/5

Are there any additional charges to book an appointment with a Pulmonologist (Lungs) through HeliumDoc?

HeliumDoc bridges the gap between the patient and the doctor. There are no additional charges for booking through HeliumDoc.

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