Specializes in the assessment and treatment of individuals with physical, emotional, and cognitive difficulties that impact their ability to function in daily life. They use a combination of physical and psychological techniques to help their clients develop or regain their motor skills, improve their emotional regulation, and enhance their overall quality of life.
Masters in Psychomotor Therapy, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon.
Bachelor in Psychomotor Therapy, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon.
HeliumDoc allows you to book appointments online without the hassle of calling the clinic. Click here to book an appointment online with Mrs. Tania Hechem.You will get a call back from the clinic to confirm your appointment.
Click here to see a list of insurance plans he accepts.
Click here to request an appointment with the doctor and the clinic will call to share the doctor’s schedule.
Mrs. Tania Hechem speaks the following Arabic,English and French
works at:Openminds Center located in Barsha Heights Office 904-905, 9th Floor, The One Tower, Sheikh Zayed RoadUAE. Click here for the google map location.
Mrs. Tania Hechem frequently sees patients for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Behavioral Disorders, Child Development & Behavior, Dyslexia, Genetic Counseling, Learning Disabilities, and Speech Delay
Mrs. Tania Hechem has the following degrees and diplomas:Masters in Psychomotor Therapy, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon.Bachelor in Psychomotor Therapy, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon.
HeliumDoc bridges the gap between the patient and the doctor. There are no additional charges for booking through HeliumDoc.
Office 904-905, 9th Floor, The One Tower, Sheikh Zayed Road