Clinics might be closed or slow to respond till April 1st due to Eid Al Fitr Holidays.

Best Clinics located in Al Manara in UAE


Best Clinics located in Al Manara in UAE


How can I find the best clinic in UAE?

Popular clinics in UAE have a rating against their names. These ratings are a compilation of patient reviews for the doctors who serve in that specific clinic.

How can I book an appointment?

You can search for the clinic in the search bar and book with the desired doctor. You can also call us at 045868756 from 9AM to 5PM to book your appointment.

How can I find a clinic nearest to me?

Click on the “Filters” option under the Clinics tab. Then click on City and select your desired area within the chosen city. You will be redirected to a list of clinics located nearest to you.

How can I find a clinic who accepts my insurance?

Click on the “Filters” option under the Clinics tab. Then click on Insurance and select your desired insurance. You will be redirected to a list of clinics that accept the chosen insurance.

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