Specializes in diagnosing and treating disease and injuries using as x-rays, CT scans, MRI, nuclear medicine, and ultrasound.
HeliumDoc allows you to book appointments online without the hassle of calling the clinic. Click here to book an appointment online with Dr. Sneha Patel.You will get a call back from the clinic to confirm your appointment.
Click here to see a list of insurance plans he accepts.
Click here to request an appointment with the doctor and the clinic will call to share the doctor’s schedule.
works at:Korean Medical Center located in Lusail Building 8, Zone 69, Street 180, Municipality, Al-Dayeen.. Click here for the google map location.
Dr. Sneha Patel frequently sees patients for 3D & 4D Ultrasound, CT Scan, Endoscopic Ultrasound, Thoracic Ultrasound, Ultrasonography, Ultrasound, and X-ray
Dr. Sneha Patel has the following degrees and diplomas:Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery, Manipal University, IndiaPhD, Diagnostic Radiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Japan
HeliumDoc bridges the gap between the patient and the doctor. There are no additional charges for booking through HeliumDoc.