Dr. Nandhini Karthick

Specialist (Years of Experience: 9)

Psychiatrist (Mental Health) / Lifestyle Medicine
Yasmed Medical Center (Madinat Khalifa South)

(7 reviews)

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Psychiatrist (Mental Health)

Specializes in mental health for Adults and Children, including substance use disorders. Psychiatrists are qualified to assess both the mental and physical aspects of psychological problems. They aim to help patients lead better life.

Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle Medicine Physician is a medical specialization that deals with preventing, managing, and reversing chronic diseases through evidence-based lifestyle interventions. These physicians focus on areas such as nutrition, physical activity, stress management, sleep, and addiction to promote overall health and well-being. They empower patients to make sustainable lifestyle changes to improve their quality of life and long-term health outcomes.

Medical Qualifications

Doctor of Medicine in Psychiatry, Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, India.

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Meenakshi Medical College and Research Institute, India.


Diplomate International Board of Lifestyle Medicine, American College of Lifestyle Medicine, USA.

Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Becks Institute, USA

Certificate in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Certificate in Grief Counseling.


Intern, Meenakshi Medical College and Research Institute, India.


Dr. Nandhini Karthick Insurance Providers

AlKoot logo

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Allianz logo

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GlobeMed logo

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GlobeMed Qatar
GlobeMed Qatar logo

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MetLife logo

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NAS logo

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Neuron logo

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NextCare logo

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QLM logo

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How can I make an appointment with Dr. Nandhini Karthick?

HeliumDoc allows you to book appointments online without the hassle of calling the clinic. Click here to book an appointment online with Dr. Nandhini Karthick.You will get a call back from the clinic to confirm your appointment.

Does Dr. Nandhini Karthick accept my insurance?

Click here to see a list of insurance plans he accepts.

What timings for Dr. Nandhini Karthick are available?

Click here to request an appointment with the doctor and the clinic will call to share the doctor’s schedule.

What languages does Dr. Nandhini Karthick speak?

Dr. Nandhini Karthick speaks the following English,Malayalam and Tamil

Where is Dr. Nandhini Karthick clinic located in ?

works at:Yasmed Medical Center (Madinat Khalifa South) located in Madinat Khalifa South Madinat Khalifa, Post Box No 36031. Click here for the google map location.

What is the education and qualifications of Dr. Nandhini Karthick ?

Dr. Nandhini Karthick has the following degrees and diplomas:Doctor of Medicine in Psychiatry, Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, India.Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Meenakshi Medical College and Research Institute, India.Diplomate International Board of Lifestyle Medicine, American College of Lifestyle Medicine, USA.Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Becks Institute, USACertificate in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.Certificate in Grief Counseling.

What has the experience of patients been with Dr. Nandhini Karthick ?

7 reviews have been added against Dr. Nandhini Karthick profile and his average rating is 4.5/5

Are there any additional charges to book an appointment with a Psychiatrist (Mental Health) through HeliumDoc?

HeliumDoc bridges the gap between the patient and the doctor. There are no additional charges for booking through HeliumDoc.

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